[root@rhvm ~]# ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap-setup...output omitted...
Available LDAP implementations:
1 - 389ds
2 - 389ds RFC-2307 Schema
3 - Active Directory
4 - IBM Security Directory Server
5 - IBM Security Directory Server RFC-2307 Schema
6 - IPA
7 - Novell eDirectory RFC-2307 Schema
8 - OpenLDAP RFC-2307 Schema
9 - OpenLDAP Standard Schema
10 - Oracle Unified Directory RFC-2307 Schema
11 - RFC-2307 Schema (Generic)12 - RHDS
13 - RHDS RFC-2307 Schema
14 - iPlanet
Please select: 6...output omitted...
Use DNS (Yes, No)[Yes]:
Available policy method:
1 - Single server
2 - DNS domain LDAP SRV record
3 - Round-robin between multiple hosts
4 - Failover between multiple hosts
Please select: 1 Please enter host address: utility.lab.example.com
[ INFO ] Trying to resolve host 'utility.lab.example.com'...output omitted...
Please select protocol to use (startTLS, ldaps, plain)[startTLS]: URL
URL: http://utility.lab.example.com/ipa/config/ca.crt
[ INFO ] Connecting to LDAP using 'ldap://utility.lab.example.com:389'[ INFO ] Executing startTLS
[ INFO ] Connection succeeded
Enter search user DN (for example uid=username,dc=example,dc=com or leave empty for anonymous): uid=rhvm,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=lab,dc=example,dc=com
Enter search user password:
[ INFO ] Attempting to bind using 'uid=rhvm,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=lab,dc=example,dc=com' Please enter base DN (dc=lab,dc=example,dc=com)[dc=lab,dc=example,dc=com]:
Are you going to use Single Sign-On for Virtual Machines (Yes, No)[Yes]: NO
Please specify profile name that will be visible to users [utility.lab.example.com ]:
[ INFO ] Stage: Setup validation
...output omitted...
Please provide credentials to test login flow:
Enter user name: rhvm
Enter user password:
[ INFO ] Executing login sequence...
Login output:
...output omitted...
[ INFO ] Login sequence executed successfully
Please make sure that user details are correct and group membership meets expectations (search for PrincipalRecord and GroupRecord titles).
Abort if output is incorrect.
Select test sequence to execute (Done, Abort, Login, Search)[Done]:
...output omitted...
[ INFO ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO ] Stage: Termination